Saturday, 15 June 2013

Milk Caps

Recently I perused a few blogs because that is what you do on the internet. Among these blogs were those of my cousins; Kristan and Teo. The two had an argument between their blogs, which by examination seem to be dedicated to that purpose, although Kristan did write some short story about some scientist dumb enough to disintegrate himself.

This argument was over the banal topic of proper milk jug conduct. Although I am a bit late to the argument, I might as well write down my two cents. It's so hilariously depressing how a simple argument about whether a simple act (which has become reflex for me) becomes the basis for published works that argue human tendencies not related to kitchen etiquette at all. Sure it happens in real conversations, or in a forum, but these are blogs dammit!

Here is a quote that pretty much summarizes what I'm talking about
"What I'm talking about is the lack of understanding that your fellow man has just as many rights as you do and to violate any one of those rights is a violation on something beautiful."
 Okay, so imagine what realistic argument would transpire towards this. The opposition, is violating the rights of their fellow human beings, to force them into closing the milk jugs. Holy shit the Milk Nazis are coming!

Die Kappe überlegen ist!
(The Cap is Superior)
Ok, so this is scary, especially since in a kitchen, getting stuffed into an oven is more prevalent than any other room in the house. When the milk Nazis break down my door I will be ready, sourdough in hand. I would have fought them off with French bread, but that would easily crumble, and i suspect they would take my rhye claiming i had taken it from them.

Culinary Nazi jokes aside, I do think it is hilarious how a simple squabble could result in a written article. If I wrote about such mundane things all the time, I suspect I'd be a flagrant hipster, like the ones who post billions of pictures of sewer drains. Vernacular is their domain, since most of it is pretty bad art anyhow.

Maybe my next post will be an biography about that house plant the dog mercilessly knocked over the other day.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Mid Creek

Currently Standing
Midst of Wide
Freezingly Flowing
Creek that Sifts

I'm Gazing Ahead
Toes have Grown Number
From Cold like Dead
Synthesized Comfort

Ice is more Sandpaper
Than Frozen Needles
It Smooths Down Rounder
Than Hardened Spikes

Monday, 4 March 2013

Shear Anticipation

I wrote this for a writing class at highschool, and felt it to be blog worthy. Enjoy

Today I am going to get my hair cut. It’s going to be the first time getting my hair snipped at the hairdresser in many years. My locks previously have been dealt with at home, cut by kin. I need my head professionally worked away from ruggedness this time. An important event is impending, a cordial reception where I will be judged by many.
What could I expect? Is it expensive? It shouldn’t be a lot for such a simple procedure. I hope the twenty dollars slim will cover my little trim. What specifications should I relay? Maybe I’ll just ask: “Give me whatever style that is affordable, simple, and removes the look of a despondent bush from my head.”
Is there any way I should prepare? I made sure to wash and condition my hair, so I don’t get sucked into a professional head wash, hogwash, or some other slimy scheme to supply seemingly unnecessary services.
What if he screws it up? Although this event could be deemed very nominally important, a lot of things are riding on it. I need to impress people with my showing, so that maybe they will tell their important friends how that professional person they are looking for exists. My career could be shaped by this. A rudimentary cut wouldn’t do, it must look good.
Maybe I’m taking this too seriously; it’s just a routine thing, nothing really special. It’s just preparation to make sure I look spiffy and confident. After all, how hard could slicing another’s fur be? All they do is cut it to pieces.
Why is someone going to judge me over the styling of my crown? I should be afforded some kind of leeway, especially due to the monumental effort I put into this.
You can only make a first impression once. Probably the best impression is that of a well groomed intelligent man of diligence. It would be regrettably laughable, to stand there with a loose lock or curl, jutting out like a sore thumb.
I must take a leap of faith. It’s not as though the state of my head is in impeccable shape. The top is like a flower bed left unattended. Various weeds and tangles sprouting out like it’s nobody’s business. The hairdresser is probably equivalent to pouring gasoline and lighting matches. Sure it looks like a very effective option, but the inherent risks have me guessing a second, third, fourth, who knows how many times.
I hope it goes smoothly, my hair being transformed into something more majestic, and pleasing to the eye. Resembling less a mushroom cloud, more like the head of a well-respected citizen. I must shed my clownliness, so that I may impress.
Here I am at the hairdressers. The building looks interesting; it’s a bit worn and deteriorated, but not so much that it is run down. Inside seems a bit more orderly than out. The business is busy, so I have to sit down upon one of these imitation leather chairs in the waiting room. I’m looking at the pile of magazines at my feet, but there is nothing of interest to me. It’s ok, I’ll only have to wait a few minutes.
This place is well decorated there are football flags, and posters pinned to the wall, and a few clocks hanging from nails. In a glass cabinet in front of me there are numerous antique razors and scissors. Some of them look rusted, and others are polished and sharp. Either the owner has been operating for a long time, or is an avid antique collector. This appears to be a good thing, if he has cut enough heads to retire many
It’s now time for my hair to be reduced in mass and fluffiness. The barber’s chair is again imitation leather, which seems to be part of the establishment’s theme.
“What do you want done with your hair?” bellows the barber.
“Nothing fancy” I reply. “Just take a few inches off.
“Ok, your hair is pretty thick, I’m going to need to wet it down first” This statement is comforting. Most of those who have cut my hair previously would say my hair needed a bit of moisture to straighten it out. By a bit of moisture, I mean totally soaking my head under the tap.
Now that my hair has been properly prepared, the barber is skimming over it, leaving large swathes as he goes. All my removed hair is fluttering to the floor, dispersing into a layer of fuzz on the floor. Looking down it appears that the floor has become carpeted in the stuff.
The stylist is snapping and stabbing at the hair with such precision and speed, more than I am used to from my family members. We exchange a bit of small talk as he goes on, until he is done. The chair is rotated so that I may see my reflection through the mirror.
I have been transformed far then from where I had started. I look much more formal, more than adequate for what I need to do. I pay him what he asks, gladly the money I brought along cover’s it exactly. I walk out with what I set out for, a head of reduced magnitude.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Procrastination Script

To those who expect me to write here, I apologize. I am in the situation where any writing that isn't for English class is scrutinized as a waste of precious time. Gladly I made a script for this class, which I will share here!

Anton the (Esteemed) Procrastinator

          We see Anton sitting at his desk, staring at an assignment
          on his computer screen

                    This is the story of a young man
                    named Anton. Anton was extremely
                    bored and frustrated because he was
                    told to create a script with less
                    than 300 words.

                    It cannot be done! It was hard
                    enough making a short story with
                    only five hundred! What kind of
                    story could be compressed so short?

                    Well Anton why don't you get
                    creative? Isn't that what this
                    class is all about?

                    Good idea disembodied voice!

          5 hours later we see Anton playing video games, obviously

                    Hey man, weren't you getting
                    creative, or something?

                    Yeah totally, I'm getting

                    By playing call of battlefield.


                    You do understand that we have used
                    about a hundred words so far.

                    Uh huh

                    That's it, I'm changing the


                    How is this? does war inspire you

          We hear the whistling of a bomb falling, Anton runs towards
          the open window, narrowly escaping the bomb.


                    Well that didn't work, and now we
                    are down two hundred words.

                    It's kind of hopeless now, isn't

                    It wouldn't be if you had started

                    Actually, you're wrong.

                    What could you possibly mean? I
                    haven't seen you touch your
                    keyboard, or even pick up a pencil.

                    Did you ever wonder how this story
                    of us arguing came to be?

                    (sarcastically)Well, that sure
                    explains a ton! If anyone was
                    creating this it would be me.

                    Allow me to explain this with song,
                    as I ride through the most amazing

                    Oh I hate it when you do that!

          Scene ends with "word limit reached" flashing on the screen

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

I use Digital

For those who don't already know I am an aspiring film maker  and for the longest time, I thought film was the only medium to get quality images. Sure digital could potentially match it, but this has happened only in recent years.

Most consumer, and professional camcorders work in the same fashion,

  1. Light goes through lens
  2. Sensor gathers information based off what it sees
  3. Processor crunches it up and spits it out as a nice readable file
  4. The camera's storage device holds the finished video clip
In the past, step 3 was essential, since hard drive space was very finite, you could only hold so much video, until you had to replace the hard drive. The problem with this is you have to let your camera think for you, it decides how your video should be processed. The reason film was better, was because it bypassed step 3. It stored all the information it saw. 

Today, the barrier of hard drive space is practically broken. A hard drive with 3 terabytes costs about $150, pretty cheap compared to purchasing film. New video cameras like the Ikonoskop A Cam work just like film cameras, except they are digital. 

To get cinematic quality tools, it will cost you less than $10 000 for the software and camera. Before I was around that level of gear could easily cost into the hundreds of thousands. 

The reason this is so amazing, is it allows the artist to take risk. If you aren't burning film, there is no harm in taking chances on new ideas. If you have the passion, the gear doesn't limit you so heavily. I am legitimately considering writing a musical in which cannibals kidnap a defenceless man, and sing about it, while he desperately attempts escape. 

I can do this because there isn't risk, if I didn't pay much to produce it, I have little to lose, and if it is a success the profit margins are wider. Who needs Hollywood when you can make stuff without?